What is type Type1 in Golang?

Variables contain data, and data can be of different data types, or types for short. Golang is a statically typed language; this means the compiler must know the types of all the variables, either because they are explicitly indicated or because the compiler can infer the type from the code context. A type defines the set of values and the set of operations that can take place on those values.

Type Type1 in Golang is a stand-in for any Go type. Go supports user-defined or custom types in the form of alias types or structs. Then, Type1 is the name for our user-defined type. You can choose any name aside from Type1, as the name Type1 is used for purposes of documentation only.


To create an alias for an integer type, you can enter:

type Type1 int

Now, to declare an integer variable, we have to use an alias like:

var a Type1 = 5

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