What is the omit() function in Underscore.js?


With the omit() method of Underscore.js, we can return an object's properties by omitting some specified ones. We only need to specify the properties we want to omit.


_.omit(object, *property)


object: This is the object we want to return but omit some of its properties.

*property: This is a property we want to omit. It could be one or more.

Return value

The value returned is an object with some of its properties omitted.


// require underscore
const _ = require("underscore")
// create some objects
let obj1 = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4}
let obj2 = {name: "nodejs", package: "underscore", tag: "_"}
let obj3 = {a: "Apple", b: "Banana"}
let obj4 = {M: "Monday", T: "Tuesday", W: "Wednesday"}
// get inverted objects
console.log(_.omit(obj1, "one"))
console.log(_.omit(obj2, "package", "tag"))
console.log(_.omit(obj3, "a", "b"))
console.log(_.omit(obj4, "T", "M"))


  • Line 2: We require the underscore package.
  • Line 5–8: We create some objects.
  • Line 11–14: We use the omit() method to omit some properties of the objects we created. Then, we print the results to the console.

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