What is the midpoint method in ordinary differential equations?


The midpoint method is a type of second order Runge-Kutta method. It is used to solve ordinary differential equations with a given initial condition.

This method uses a tangent to approximate the next point y(i+1)y(i+1) given the initial point y(i)y(i). This technique was named the midpoint method because it uses the tangent at the midpoint and then checks where the tangent cuts the vertical lines. The diagram below is an illustration of the midpoint method:

Illustration of how the midpoint method estimates the next term

The tangent in black is drawn at the midpoint. The red secant is parallel to the tangent above and cuts the vertical line at (x(i+1),(y(i+1))(x(i+1), (y(i+1)). The image shows that the estimate, y(i+1)y(i+1), which is marked in red, is very near to the actual value of y(i+1)y(i+1), which lies on the curve and is marked in black.


y(i+1)=yi+k2(h)y_{(i+1)}=y_{i}+ k_{2}(h)


k2=f(xi+h2,yi+k1h2)k_{2}=f(x_{i}+\frac{h}{2}, y_{i}+k_{1}\frac{h}{2})

  • k1k1 is the overestimate and k2k2 is the underestimate.
  • hh is the step-size.
  • xix_{i} and yiy_{i} are the initial conditions.


The code below demonstrates the use of the midpoint method for a function.

import math
def func(x,y):
func = (3*math.exp(-x))-(0.4*y) #Example of ordinary differential equation
return func
def midpoint():
##Initial Conditions
x = 0 #Independent variable
y = 5
##Integration Limit
h=1.5 #stepsize
print("x:", x)
print("estimated y:",y)
print("original y:",original_ans[0])
n=(xf-xi)/h #number of iterations
while i <= n: #This loop will run until the number of iterations are completed
k1 = func(x,y) #K1
k2 = func(x+(h/2),y+(k1*h/2)) #K2
y = y+(k2*h) #Midpoint formula to update y
x = x+h
print("x:", x)
print("estimated y:",y)
print("original y:",original_ans[i])
def main():

The code above predicts the value of y(i+1)y(i+1). The number of iterations is found by dividing the interval by the step-size. For each iteration, the original value is printed with which to compare the estimate.

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