What is the Kubernetes master?

Kubernetes is a container orchestration system that allows us to manage containerized applications. It automates deployment and scaling, which makes the management process simpler.

Cluster infrastructure

In Kubernetes, an application’s tasks are spread across various nodes in a cluster. All the nodes in the cluster are managed by the master node.

The designated master node must run three processes:

  • kube-apiserver - Facilitates communication between all the components within a cluster.
  • kube-controller-manager - Manages the control loops that determine the current state of the cluster.
  • kube-scheduler - Assigns tasks to nodes and ensures efficient utilization of resources.

These three processes collectively form the Kubernetes master.

The job of the master is to manage the entire state of the cluster. Any changes that are to be made in the cluster are communicated to the master from the command-line interface; in that sense, the master acts as a bridge between the user and the cluster.

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Multiple masters

Each cluster must have a master; however, the whole application will crash if the master fails. To solve this problem, it is wise to have multiple masters (replicas of the original) that can keep the application running in case one of them fails. Such an infrastructure is called a multi-master cluster.

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