What is the factory keyword in Dart?


In Dart, we use the factory keyword to identify a default or named constructor. We use the factory keyword to implement constructors that decides whether to return a new instance or an existing instance.


class Class_Name {
  factory Class_Name() {
    // TODO: return Class_name instance

We must follow some rules when using the factory constructor.

  1. The return keyword need to be used.
  2. It does not have access to the this keyword.

Return value

A factory constructor can return a value from a cache or a sub-type instance.


The following code shows how to use the factory keyword in Dart:

// create Class Car
class Car {
//class properties
String name;
String color;
Car({ this.name, this.color});
// factory constructor that returns a new instance
factory Car.fromJson(Map json) {
return Car(name : json['name'],
color : json['color']);
void main(){
// create a map
Map myCar = {'name': 'Mercedes-Benz', 'color': 'blue'};
// assign to Car instance
Car car = Car.fromJson(myCar);
//display result


  • Line 3: We define a class Car.
  • Lines 5-6: We define two parameters, name and color of string type.
  • Line 9: We create a parameter constructor.
  • Lines 12-15: We create a factory constructor that returns a new instance.
  • Line 18: We define the main() function.
  • Line 20: We create a Map named myCar.
  • Line 22: We assign myCar to the Class instance car.
  • Lines 24-25: Finally, we display the results.

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