What is the architecture of a mobile application?

The architecture of a mobile application consists of components and protocols that define how an optimized, efficient, and good-quality mobile application should be. It also includes the best practices developers should use to design and build less error-prone applications faster and more timely.

The most popular mobile architecture that the development industry relies on is the three-layered architecture.

Representation of the mobile application architecture

The illustration above represents how a user interacts with the different layers of the mobile architecture and how these layers interact with each other. As seen in the image, a hierarchy is followed for the data flow.

A service caller is a prototype responsible for making different types of services available for the mobile application.

Three-layered architecture

It refers to the internal component design of a mobile application and consists of the following:

Presentation layer

It consists of UIUser Interface: The way a website is shown to the user. and UXUser Experience: The way an user interacts with the app.. The presentation layer refers to the design and interactive elements of the website. The basic principle of the presentation layer is to ensure the website's interface is as user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

It requires developers to optimize their applications to support multiple platforms and screens.

Presentation layer components

Business layer

It's concerned with how the data flows within the application and the operations that apply to it. This layer is responsible for delivering the working mechanisms of the mobile application to the users.

One of the primary purposes of the business layer is to ensure the application's security and integrity, so the following are the main components of this layer:

  • Exception handling

  • Logging

  • Data validation

  • Data caching

Business layer components
  • Workflow in the business layer are steps that are needed to be performed in a specific and orchestrated way to provide the correct functionality of our application.

  • Entities are classes and objects that pass data to the data access layer.

  • The business layer components are modules responsible for providing business transactions.

Data access layer

This layer provides increased security for data transactions. The data access layer cumulates the functions, such as CRUDCreate, read, update and delete operations, to work with the application's database. It also integrates service agents, data utilities, and data access components.

Following are the ways the data access layer works:

  • API usage: It uses API to communicate the data between the database and the business layer.

  • Linkage: It is responsible for routing and networking.

Data access layer components
  • Service agents are modules responsible for acquiring and separating your application code from external services.

  • Data utilities are functions that manipulate, manage, and transform data.

  • Data access components are responsible for the abstraction of the code that deals with databases and data stores of our application.

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