What is strftime in C?

What it does

The strftime function is defined in the time.h header file. It serves to create and store a string in accordance with the given format. It uses the values of time stored in a given tm struct.

Function syntax

Following is the syntax for the strftime function:


  • str: The pointer to the destination array to which we copy the formatted string.

  • max_size: The maximum number of characters which can be copied into the destination array pointed to by str.

  • format: A string to specify the format and the statement in which to display the time. Following is a table of some of the most commonly used specifiers and what they represent:

Specifier Represents
%a Abbreviated name of the weekday (Mon)
%^a Abbreviated name of the weekday in all capitals (MON)
%A Full name of weekday (Monday)
%b Abbreviated name of month (Jan)
%^b Abbreviated name of month name in all capitals (JAN)
%B Full name of month (January)
%c Date and time (Mon Jan 01 01:01:01 2021)
%d Day of the month (01-31)
%H Hour in 24h format (00-23)
%I Hour in 12h format (00-11)
%j Day of the year (000-365)
%m Month of the year (01-12)
%M Minute in an hour (00-59)
%S Seconds in an hour (00-59)
%w Weekday as a number (0-6)
%x Condensed date (01/01/21)
%y Last two digits of the year (00-99)
%Y Complete year (2021)
  • time_ptr: An object of type tm containing values of time broken down into separate units. Following is the declaration for the structure tm:
Elements Represent
tm_sec Seconds passed in a minute
tm_min Minutes passed in an hour
tm_hour Hours passed in a day
tm_mday Months passed in a year
tm_mon Months passed in a year
tm_wday Days passed in a week
tm_yday Days passed in a year
tm_year Years passed since 1900
tm_isdst Daylight saving hours

Return value

Upon successful execution, strftime returns the number of characters copied into the destination array, else it returns a zero upon encountering errors during execution.


In this example, we first create and populate a tm object and a buffer of size 100. Finally, we feed both these to the strftime function and the maximum size of the buffer and the format. The format we use here is [%x] {%H:%M}, which is simply the condensed date enclosed by square brackets followed by the Hours and minutes, separated by a colon, and enclosed in curly braces:

int main()
// variable to give as parameter
struct tm mytm;
// the destination array to give as parameter
char buff[100];
// populating the tm object
mytm.tm_year = 2021 - 1900; // 2021
mytm.tm_isdst = 0; // day light saving set to 0
mytm.tm_mon = 1; // January
mytm.tm_mday = 0; // Sunday
// setting the time as 01:01:01
mytm.tm_hour = 1;
mytm.tm_min = 1;
mytm.tm_sec = 1;
// strftime puts the formatted string into buff
strftime(buff,100,"[%x] {%H:%M}", &mytm);
//print out buff
printf(" This is the formatted string: %s\n", buff );
return 0;

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