What is PUG Syntax?


About PUG

pug.js, also known as PUG, is a Javascript library that was previously known as JADE. It is an easy-to-code template engine used to code HTML in a more readable fashion. One upside to PUG is that it equips developers to code reusable HTML documents by pulling data dynamically from the API.

PUG syntax is sensitive to indentation/whitespace

Here are some standard syntaxes of PUG.

1. Attributes

  • You can simply write the attributes inside the parenthesis and separate multiple attributes with either a space ' ' or a comma ,
  • Bear in mind that the actual value of the attribute is a Javascript expression
  • Attributes can span over multiple lines as well
// Single attribute
a(href='//educative.io') Educative
// Multiple attributes separated by a comma
a(href='//educative.io', target='_blank')
// Attributes spanning over multiple lines
alt='Edpresso logo'
style="border:6px solid black;float:left;"

2. Case

Case statements work just like JavaScript switch statements.

  • Start with the keyword case
  • Use the keyword when to specify a condition
  • Add a default expression using the keyword default
//- Generating a random number between 0 and 99
- var number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
//- using case to figure out in what range is the number
case number
when number < 25
p Number is between 0 and 24 inclusive
when number < 50
p Number is between 25 and 49 inclusive
when number < 75
p Number is between 50 and 74 inclusive
p Number is between 75 and 99 inclusive

3. Code

Unbuffered Code vs. Buffered Code

  • Unbuffered Code starts with a hyphen - and does not directly output anything. It can be used in the PUG code later to make changes.
  • Buffered Code starts with =. If there is an expression, it will evaluate it and output the result.
// Unbuffered Code
- var number = 99
- var coffee = 'latte'
- var list = ["Belgium", "France", "China"]
// Buffered Code
p= "99 times 2 is: " + number*2
p= "I prefer " + coffee + " over cappuccino"


Buffered Comments vs. Unbuffered Comments vs. Multiline Comments

  • Buffered Comments are added using a double forward-slash//. They appear in the rendered HTML file.
  • Unbuffered Comments are added using the double forward-slash followed by a hyphen//-. They do not appear in the rendered HTML file.
  • Multiline Comments are added using a double forward-slash // followed by an indented block.
// This is a Buffered Comment
//- This is an Unbuffered Comment
This is
a multiline

5. Doctype

To compile a standard HTML5 doc, use doctype followed by html.

doctype html

6. Includes

Use include to add other PUG files.

Caution: adding non .pug files will result in plain text being added to the rendered HTML doc.

// This is playlist.pug
li Memories - Adam Lavine
li Hymm for the weekend - Coldplay
li Bad Liar - Imagine Dragons
// Using this in my base PUG file
doctype html
h2 My playlist
include playlist.pug

7. Inheritance

PUG inheritance makes use of the block and extend keywords. You can create a parent template with multiple blocks, which can be extended over the child template to replace those blocks.

//- This is what a typical parent template will contain named layout.pug
doctype html
h2 Include scripts here
block scripts
h2 Include your favorite candy name here
block content
//- Extending this over child template
extend layout.pug
block scripts
block content
p gummy bears

8. Interpolation

Interpolation is an easy way to substitute placeholders in a template with corresponding JavaScript expressions. This can be done using #{}.

// Replacing with a variable
- var name = 'leonard hofstader'
h2 Printing name in all lower caps
p Dr. #{name}
h2 printing name with first letter of each name in uppercase
p Dr. #{name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1, 7) + name.charAt(8).toUpperCase() + name.slice(9)}

9. Iteration

You can iterate over a specific range or list using the each keyword, or you can iterate conditionally using the while keyword.

- var superheroes = ["Spiderman", "Ironman", "Hulk", "Thor"]
// Use of each
each hero in superheroes
li = hero
// Use of while
var count = 0
while superheroes[count] != "Hulk"
p #{superheroes[count]} SMASH!

10. Tags

Tags are what make PUG clean, readable, and easy to code. Instead of having closing tags, PUG relies on whitespace/indentation that is later rendered accordingly to an HTML doc.

// Observe the use of indentation
doctype html
title How to code Tags
h1 Use proper indentation
| The file will not
| render properly if the
| programmer does not make
| sure of proper indentation

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