Lambert's cosine law is a fundamental principle in the field of
The law states that the apparent brightness of a
The intensity of light on the surface decreases with the cosine of the angle between the light source and the surface normal.
The brightness depends on the orientation of the surface.
The mathematical expression for Lambert's cosine law is as follows.
Lambertian reflectance model: Lambert's cosine law is often used in the lambertian reflectance model.
It is a popular model for representing the diffuse reflection of light from a surface.
It assumes that the surface is rough on a microscopic level and then scatters incident light equally in all the directions.
The reflectance model is widely used because it provides a clear approximation of the way surfaces in the real-world reflect light.
3D graphics: In the context of 3D graphics, you can compute the cosine of the angle as given below.
Direction of the light hitting a point on a surface (
Normal to the surface at the given point (
Normalize both the vectors
Compute the cosine of the angle by taking the dot product of
The angle gives the amount of light that is reflected off the surface at that point in the direction of the camera.
It leads to the perceived brightness of the surface.
Lambert's cosine law and surface brightness: Lambert's cosine law states that the color intensity of brightness
Maximum brightness at
Decreasing brightness with increasing
Zero brightness at
Angle beyond
Lambertian surfaces and Light scattering: Lambert's cosine law is applicable to lambertian surfaces, that scatters incident light equally in all directions. It means that the surface has the same apparent brightness regardless of the observer's angle of view.
Real-world surfaces and lambertian assumptions: Although real-world surfaces do not adhere to the lambertian assumption due to the factors such as reflection and subsurface scattering, the lambertian reflection model is still widely used in computer graphics. It is due to the model's simplicity and ability to provide a sufficiently good approximation for a wide range of surfaces.
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