What is Iterative Deepening Search?

Iterative Deepening Search (IDS)also known as Iterative Deepening Depth-First Search (IDDFS) is an iterative graph searching strategy that takes advantage of the completeness of the Breadth-First Search (BFS) strategy but uses much less memory in each iteration (similar to Depth-First SearchDFS).

IDS achieves the desired completeness by enforcing a depth-limit on DFS that mitigates the possibility of getting stuck in an infinite or a very long branch. It searches each branch of a node from left to right until it reaches the required depth. Once it has, IDS goes back to the root node and explores a different branch that is similar to DFS.

Time & space complexity

Let’s suppose that we have a tree where each node has b children. We will consider this our branching factor and take d as the depth of the tree.

Nodes at the bottom-most level, which would be level dd, will be expanded exactly once; whereas, nodes on level d−1d-1 will be expanded twice. The root node of our tree will be expanded d+1d+1 times. If we sum all these terms up, it will be:

(d)b+(d−1)b2+...+(3)bd−2+(2)bd−1+bd(d)b + (d-1)b^2 + ... + (3)b^{d-2} + (2)b^{d-1} + b^d

This summation will result in time complexity of O(bd)O(b^d)

The space complexity for IDS is O(bd)O(bd). Here, we assume that b is a constant, and all children are generated at each depth of the tree and stored in a stack during DFS.

Performance analysis

It may look like IDS has a large overhead in the form of repeatedly going over the same nodes again and again, but this turns out to be much of a big deal. This is because most nodes in a tree are at the bottom levels, which are visited only once or twice by the algorithm. Because of this, the cost is kept to a bare minimum since the upper-level nodes do not make up the majority of the nodes in a tree.

Let’s see the pseudocode for this strategy and run it on an example:

IDS(root, goal, depthLimit){
   for depth = 0 to depthLimit
      if (DFS(root, goal, depth))
         return true
   return false

DFS(root, depth){
   if root == goal
      return true
   if depth == 0
      return false
   for each child in root.children
      if (DFS(child, goal, depth - 1))
         return true
   return false
%0 node_1 Bob node_2 Mary node_1->node_2 node_3 Jane node_1->node_3 node_1614455882864 Ivan node_1->node_1614455882864 node_1614455861510 Goldman node_2->node_1614455861510 node_1614455867405 Beth node_2->node_1614455867405 node_1614455865950 Sullivan node_2->node_1614455865950 node_1614455871402 Kiev node_3->node_1614455871402 node_1614455874584 Gale node_1614455871402->node_1614455874584
With a depth-limit of 2, iterative-deepening will never encounter Gale since it is on the 3rd level.
1 of 12

When to use iterative deepening

As a general rule of thumb, we use iterative deepening when we do not know the depth of our solution and have to search a very large state space.

Iterative deepening may also be used as a slightly slower substitute for BFS if we are constrained by memory or space.

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