What is imperative programming in React?

Key takeaways:

  • Imperative programming in React involves direct, step-by-step DOM manipulation.

  • While React’s declarative approach simplifies complex DOM tasks, imperative programming is useful in specific cases where fine-grained control is needed.

  • Imperative programming provides explicit instructions, enabling precise control but often at the cost of reduced code maintainability.

  • It is best suited for tasks like direct DOM manipulation, handling complex animations, or integrating React with non-React codebases.

  • Avoid using imperative programming for standard scenarios such as state management or rendering dynamic data. React’s declarative approach is preferred for its simplicity, readability, and maintainability.

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces and web applications. It’s primarily based on declarative programming, which allows developers to describe what they want to achieve, while React manages the underlying DOM updates. However, there are instances where imperative programming in React becomes necessary to perform specific tasks or interact with the DOM directly, providing developers with fine-grained control.

Imperative programming in React

Imperative programming involves giving step-by-step instructions to achieve a specific outcome by interacting directly with the DOMThe Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents that represents the structure of the document as objects, allowing programs to interact with and manipulate the content and structure of web pages. in React through code. While React’s declarative approach abstracts complex DOM manipulations and simplifies UI management, imperative programming can be useful for handling unique scenarios and optimizing certain tasks. Understanding this programming style provides insight into situations where React’s declarative paradigm might not be sufficient.

Declarative vs. imperative programming in React

Declarative programming describes what the application should do. For example, using JSX to describe how the UI should look, lets React handle the DOM updates automatically.

If you want to learn about declarative programming, look into it: What is Declarative programming in React?

Imperative programming describes how the application should do it. For example, directly manipulating the DOM using methods like document.getElementById.


Declarative Programming

Imperative Programming


What needs to be done

How to do it

React Compatibility

Highly compatible

Requires caution

Code Readability

More readable and maintainable

Harder to read and maintain


JSX with state

Direct DOM manipulation

For a detailed comparison, look into this Answer: Difference between Declarative & Imperative programming in React

When to use Imperative programming in React?

Imperative programming is not typically recommended in React for standard scenarios, as it can make code more complex and harder to maintain. Declarative programming in React is generally preferred because it hides low-level details of DOM manipulation and state management, leading to concise and readable code that’s easy to understand.

However, there are some situations where Imperative programming might be necessary or beneficial:

  • Direct DOM manipulation in React: React abstracts DOM manipulation through the virtual DOM, but there might be cases where direct DOM manipulation is required, such as when integrating third-party libraries in React or accessing elements that aren’t easily accessible through React components.

  • Handling animations in React with an imperative approach: For complex animations in React or performance-intensive tasks, imperative programming can sometimes lead to more efficient and smoother animations.

  • Integrating React with non-React code: When integrating React with legacy code or third-party libraries, imperative programming may be necessary to interface with codebases that don’t follow React’s declarative paradigm.

Code example

Here’s a code example showing how imperative programming can be used to render a web application and manipulate the DOM directly.

Code explanation

In the above App.js file:

  • Lines 4–13: The handleButtonClick function, which is called when the “Retrieve value” button is clicked, uses imperative code to bypass React’s state for direct DOM access. Inside this function, we use document.getElementById('inputField').value to retrieve the value from the input field with the ID inputField.

  • Lines 9–13: We use the document.getElementById('outputLabel') to retrieve the label element with the ID outputLabel and store it in the labelElement variable. We then update the textContent of the labelElement with the retrieved input value (inputValue).

  • Lines 16–23: In the JSX part of the component, we render an <h1> heading, an <input> element with the ID inputField, a “Retrieve value” button, and a <p> element containing a <span> with the ID outputLabel. The retrieved value will be displayed within this <span> element.

Imperative programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on providing explicit, step-by-step instructions to the computer on how to achieve a specific task. In this example, when the “Retrieve value” button is clicked, the imperative programming approach is used to manipulate the DOM directly to retrieve the value entered in the input field and set it as the content of a label element.

Instead of relying on React’s state and Hooks, the code uses standard JavaScript and DOM manipulation methods like the document.getElementById('inputField').value to fetch the input field’s value and update the label element’s textContent. This direct and explicit manipulation of the DOM elements bypasses React’s virtual DOM and state management, and provides fine-grained control over the specific task of retrieving and displaying the input value.

To know more about the difference of virtual and real DOM in React, see this Answer: What is the difference between virtual and real DOM (React)?

Downsides of imperative programming

Let’s discuss some downsides of imperative programming:

  • Reduced maintainability: Imperative code tends to be harder to read and maintain as it requires understanding each step explicitly.

  • Complex debugging: Direct DOM manipulation can cause unexpected behavior, making debugging more challenging.

  • Inconsistent state: Bypassing React’s state management can lead to inconsistencies between the DOM and React’s virtual DOM.

  • Loss of React benefits: React’s optimizations, like efficient updates using the virtual DOM, are bypassed in imperative programming.

Knowledge test

Let’s attempt a short quiz to assess your understanding.


In React, when should imperative programming be preferred over the declarative approach?


For managing state within React components


When creating complex animations or directly manipulating the DOM


For rendering a list of items based on dynamic data


When using React’s useState and useEffect Hooks for side effects

Question 1 of 30 attempted

Conclusion and next steps

Imperative programming in React is generally avoided in favor of a declarative approach to managing the user interface efficiently. However, there are scenarios where imperative programming can be beneficial, such as direct DOM manipulation, complex animations, and integrating with non-React codebases. While powerful, imperative programming should be used judiciously as it can lead to code that’s harder to maintain and bypasses the consistency React’s declarative approach offers.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into React, consider reading the detailed blog, “Five best practices for React developers.” This guide provides foundational insights that will enhance your React skills and set you up for greater success in building interactive and efficient applications.

Frequently asked questions

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How does imperative programming differ from declarative programming in React?

In imperative programming, developers provide explicit instructions on how to perform tasks, while in declarative programming, they simply describe the desired outcome, and React handles the process. React is designed to work primarily with declarative programming for simplicity and efficiency, but imperative programming is available for specific needs.

Why is declarative programming generally preferred in React?

Declarative programming is preferred in React because it simplifies UI management, hides low-level DOM details, and makes code more maintainable. React’s declarative approach ensures that changes to the UI are handled efficiently, whereas imperative programming can increase complexity and reduce readability.

Is React Native declarative or imperative?

React Native is primarily declarative. Similar to React, it uses a declarative programming approach to describe the UI. Developers define what the UI should look like using components, and React Native takes care of updating the underlying native views.

For example, when you write:

<Text style={{ color: 'blue' }}>Hello, World!</Text>

You’re describing the desired UI state (a blue-colored text), and React Native ensures that the corresponding native element reflects this.

However, React Native does allow for imperative programming in specific cases, such as direct manipulation of native views or animations, using methods like ref, Animated, or NativeModules. This is useful when fine-grained control is needed, but the declarative paradigm remains the default and recommended approach for most use cases.

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