What is cos() in D?

The cos() function in D returns the cosine of a number. To be more specific, cos() returns the cosine of a number in radians.

The mathematical representation of the cos() function is shown below.

Mathematical representation of the cosine function
  • std.math is required for this function.
  • The cos() function only works for right-angled triangles.


//number can be real, float, or double.


This function requires a number that represents an angle in radians as a parameter.

To convert degrees to radians, use the following formula:

radians = degrees * ( PI / 180 )

Return value

cos() returns the cosine of the number (in radians) that is sent as a parameter.


The following code shows how to use the cos() function in D.

import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.stdio;
//header required for function
import std.math;
int main()
//positive number in radians
writeln("The value of cos(2.3) ", cos(2.3));
// negative number in radians
writeln("The value of cos(-2.3) ", cos(-2.3));
//converting the degrees angle into radians and then applying cos()
// degrees = 180.0
// PI = 3.14159265
// result first converts degrees to radians then apply cos
double result=cos(180.0 * (PI / 180.0));
writeln("The value of cos(180.0 * (PI / 180.0)) ", result);
return 0;

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