What is an anonymous Enum in D?

Named enum

Named Enums are defined named constant values and are declared using the enum keyword.


enum enum_name {  
   enumeration list 


import std.stdio;
// Initialized
enum Cars{ bmw , toyota, rollsroyce, mazda, lexus, subaru, mercedes };
int main(string[] args) {
writefln("Toyota : %d", Cars.toyota);
writefln("Lexus : %d", Cars.lexus);
return 0;


In the example above, we get some of the enum element’s index.

  • Line 6: We use an int main instead of the normal void main. This is because we are working with the enum, and the string[] args passed will enable the enum's access value in the main function.

  • Line 7 and 8: We print the index of a named enum using the dot notation like the Cars.enum element. Play around with the code to understand it better.

Anonymous enum

An anonymous Enum is an unnamed enum.


enum {  
   enumeration list 


import std.stdio;
// Initialized
enum { bmw , toyota, rollsroyce, mazda, lexus, subaru, mercedes };
int main(string[] args) {
writefln("Toyota : %d", toyota);
writefln("Lexus : %d", lexus);
return 0;


We get some of the enum element’s index from the example above.

  • Line 6: We use an int main instead of the normal void main. This is because we are working with the enum, and the string[] args passed will enable the enum's value in the main function.

  • Line 7 and 8: We print the index of an anonymous enum by just calling the name of the enum element. Play around with the code example to understand it better.

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