What are the Python random functions?

There are several functions in Python that provide the ability to generate random numbers. All of these functions are present in the random module which can be imported using import random.

The three primary functions used for random number generation are:

  • random()
  • randint()
  • uniform
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This function returns a random floating point value between 0 and 1.

import random
# A number between 0 and 1
num = random.random()
print num
# A number between 0 and 100
num = random.random() * 100
print num
# A number between -50 and 50
num = random.random() * 100 - 50
print num


The randint function takes in a range and produces an integer between that range.

import random
# A random integer between 1 and 40
num = random.randint(1, 40)
print num


Just as the randint function generates an integer within a given range, uniform does the same for floating point numbers.

import random
# A floating point number between 1 and 50
num = random.uniform(1, 50)
print num

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