Logic gates

Logic gates are the fundamental building blocks of circuits. Circuits are used to perform operations in a computer system. They are mainly used in the arithmetic logic unit known as ALU.

There are 5 main logic gates.

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • NOR
  • NAND

These logic gates take inputs and give a single output.

AND gate

The AND gate gives 11 as an output when all the inputs are 11. If there are any 00's in the input, the AND gate gives 00 as an output. Think of it as multiplication between 00 and 11.


OR gate

The OR gate gives 11 as an output when at least one of the inputs is 11. If all inputs are 00, the output is 00. Think of it as addition between 00 and 11.


NOT gate

NOT is a simple gate that takes in a single input and reverses its value. Whatever the input, this gate outputs the opposite (i.e., if 11 is inputted, it gives 00 as the output).


NOR gate

The NOR gate is opposite to the OR gate. It gives 11 as an output whenever all inputs are 00 (i.e., 11 is not an input).


NAND gate

The NAND gate gives 11 as an output when there is a single 00 as an input. It gives 00 as an output whenever all inputs are 11. NAND is opposite of AND.


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