Introduction to Cucumber

Cucumber is a tool for writing acceptance tests in plain languageCucumber speaks many different languages.. It is a powerful open source tool for behavior-driven development (BDD). It allows teams to collaborate effectively and create executable specifications that bridge the gap between business stakeholders and technical implementation.

Features of Cucumber

Gherkin language: Gherkin is a human-readable language that serves as the foundation of Cucumber. It uses a structured syntax to define features, scenarios, and steps, allowing non-technical team members to contribute effectively to the testing process. Gherkin supports keywords such as Given Represents the initial context or preconditions of the scenario., WhenDescribes the specific actions or events that occur in the scenario., ThenRepresents the expected outcomes or results of the actions taken., And/ButUsed to extend or concatenate additional steps to the scenario, improving readability. to describe the system's behavior.

Step definitions: Step definitions bridge the gap between Gherkin scenarios and actual test automation code. They provide the implementation for each step described in Gherkin, allowing the automation framework to execute the desired actions and assertions. Developers write step definitions using programming languages Java, JavaScript, or Ruby.

Data tables: Cucumber supports data tables to represent structured data within scenarios. Data tables allow testers to define input parameters and expected outcomes in a tabular format, making it easy to handle complex test cases with varying input combinations.

Backgrounds and scenarios: Backgrounds and scenarios help structure feature files in Cucumber. Backgrounds allow the definition of common preconditions for multiple scenarios, reducing redundancy and improving maintainability. Scenarios represent individual test cases and provide clear steps to reproduce specific system behaviors.

Advanced techniques

Advanced Cucumber techniques
Advanced Cucumber techniques


  • Collaboration and communication: Cucumber promotes collaboration between technical and non-technical teams by expressing requirements in a human-readable Gherkin syntax.

  • Reusability and maintainability: Cucumber promotes reusability by enabling the parameterized scenarios using scenario outlines and data tables. This minimizes redundant test code and makes maintenance more manageable.

  • Cross-platform support: Cucumber supports multiple programming languages, making it compatible with various technology stacks. This flexibility allows teams to use Cucumber in their preferred language, enhancing adoption and adaptability.


Cucumber is a great tool for implementing behavior-driven development. It also enables effective collaboration and ensures the alignment of business requirements with technical implementation.

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