Interfacing LCD with Arduino

Arduino, a popular open-source microcontroller platform, is an excellent entry point into electronics and programming. For beginners, the initial project often involves LED blinking, a simple but foundational exercise to grasp Arduino's basic principles. However, as enthusiasts gain confidence, they naturally seek to expand their skills. The next exciting step is interfacing an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with Arduino, unlocking the potential to build more sophisticated projects.

Interfacing LCD with Arduino

With the LCD, they can create informative and interactive displays, visualize data, and develop user interfaces for various applications. Interfacing an LCD with Arduino allows you to display text and create user interfaces for your projects. A standard 16x2 character LCD is commonly used with the Arduino, allowing you to show two lines of 16 characters each.

This smooth transition from LED blinking to LCD interface is an excellent example of how Arduino fosters curiosity and equips ambitious makers to explore the almost limitless possibilities of electrical experimentation and creativity. Thanks to the vital connection the described hardware arrangement creates between your Arduino board and the LCD, you can visualize data, status, and messages.

Hardware required

To implement the circuit for the given Arduino code, you’ll need the following components:

  • Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno)

  • 16x2 Character LCD (with HD44780 controller)

  • Potentiometer (10k ohms) for adjusting LCD contrast

  • Breadboard and jumper wires

Circuit connections

  1. Connect the LCD to Arduino:

    1. VSS pin of the LCD to GND on the Arduino board.

    2. VDD pin of the LCD to +5V on the Arduino board.

    3. V0 pin of the LCD to the wiper (middle terminal) of the potentiometer.

    4. One end of the potentiometer to GND on the Arduino board.

    5. RS pin of the LCD to digital pin 12 on the Arduino board.

    6. RW pin of the LCD to GND on the Arduino board (to set it in write mode).

    7. E (Enable) pin of the LCD to digital pin 11 on the Arduino board.

  2. Connect the data pins of the LCD (D4 to D7) to digital pins 5 to 8 on the Arduino board.

Circuit diagram

Circuit diagram
Circuit diagram


With the hardware connections set up, you can use the LiquidCrystal library in Arduino to control the LCD and display text. Below is a basic example to get you started:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// Initialize the LCD library with the corresponding pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8);
void setup() {
// Set the number of columns and rows in the LCD (16x2 in this case)
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Display a message on the LCD
lcd.print("Hello, Arduino!");
void loop() {
// Your code here...


The provided code utilizes the LiquidCrystal library to interface a 16x2 character LCD with an Arduino board. The code begins by initializing the library with the appropriate pins for RS (Register Select), E (Enable), and data pins (D4-D7) of the LCD. In the setup function, the LCD is configured to have 16 columns and 2 rows using the lcd.begin(16, 2);.

Upload the code

  1. Connect your Arduino board to the computer using the USB cable.

  2. Open the Arduino IDE and copy the code into a new sketch.

  3. Select the correct board and port under the "Tools" menu.

  4. Click on the checkmark icon (✓) to verify the error code. Fix any errors that appear.

  5. Click on the right-arrow icon (➔) to upload the code to your Arduino board.


The message “Hello, Arduino!” is then displayed on the LCD’s first row using the lcd.print("Hello, Arduino!");. After a 5-second delay, the LCD is reinitialized to clear the previous message, and the new message “Educative!” is printed on the first row. Since the loop function is left empty, the message “Educative!” remains displayed on the LCD indefinitely after the setup is completed. The code demonstrates how to control an LCD with Arduino and sequentially presents different messages on the display.

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