Delegates in C# are similar to function pointers in C++– they are variables that store references to methods. Delegates can store references to any method of the same return type and parameters.
Some variance is allowed in delegates that point to methods with slightly different type signatures. This may include types that are ancestors to or inherited by those in the delegate’s type signatures.
Delegate variables can also be multi-casted. Multi-casted delegate variables call one function after another. The +
operator is used to multi-cast functions, and the -
is used to remove a function from the multi-casted variables’ list of execution.
The following example demonstrates how delegates are used.
using System;class DelegateExample{// Delegates definedpublic delegate int delFunc(int num);public delegate void delFunc2();public static int doubleNum(int num){return num + num;}public static int squareNum(int num){return num * num;}public static void function1(){Console.Write("Hello, ");}public static void function2(){Console.Write("World!");}static void Main(){// Delegate variables declareddelFunc fun1 = new delFunc(doubleNum);delFunc fun2 = new delFunc(squareNum);delFunc2 multiFun;// Multi-casting delegate variablemultiFun = new delFunc2(function1);multiFun += new delFunc2(function2);// Calling doubleNum(3) using delegateConsole.WriteLine(fun1(3));// Calling squareNum(3) using delegateConsole.WriteLine(fun2(3));// Calling function1() and then function2() using delegatemultiFun();}}
In this example, two delegates, delFunc
and delFunc2
, are defined. delFunc
takes an integer as a parameter and returns an integer. delFunc2
takes no parameter and returns nothing.
Two methods with matching signatures (with delFunc
, doubleNum
and, squareNum
) are defined, referenced to by delegate variables fun1
and fun2
, and then called using these variables.
Similarly, two functions matching delFunc2
, function1
, and function2
are defined. A delFunc2
delegate variable is initialized, multicasted to call function1
and function2
, and then used to invoke these functions. This call outputs, “Hello, World!” to the terminal, with the “Hello,” in function1
and the “World!” in function2
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