How to use Beautiful Soup's find_all() method

Key takeaways:

  • find_all() returns all occurrences of a specific tag or element, allowing you to extract multiple matches from an HTML or XML document.

  • You can search for specific tags, such as <h2> or <div>, to gather all instances of those tags in the document.

  • Narrow down your search by passing a dictionary with attribute-value pairs (e.g., class='course') to find elements with specific attributes.

  • Use the limit parameter of find_all() to restrict the number of matching elements returned, useful for managing large sets of data.

  • You can combine multiple filters, including tag name, attributes, text content, and regex, to fine-tune your search and find more specific elements.

The find_all() method

Beautiful Soup is a Python library used for web scraping and parsing HTML and XML documents. One of its methods is the find_all(), which allows us to locate all occurrences of a specific HTML or XML element within a document. It returns a list of all matching elements, which we can then process and extract the required data.


The basic syntax of the find_all() method is as follows:

find_all(name, attrs, recursive, text, limit, **kwargs)
  • name: The tag name or a list of tag names to be searched.

  • attrs: A dictionary of attributes and their corresponding values to filter elements.

  • recursive: A boolean value to specify whether to search only the direct children or the entire descendants (default is True).

  • text: A string or regular expression to find elements containing specific text.

  • limit: An integer specifying the maximum number of elements to return.

  • **kwargs: Allows us to use CSS selectors or other filters for specific use cases.

Setting limit=1 in find_all() functions the same as using find().

Usage of the find_all() method

Here are some of the functionalities that we can perform using the find_all() method:

  • Finding elements by tag name

  • Finding elements by a list of tag names

  • Finding a limited number of elements

  • Filtering elements by class name or id

  • Finding element within immediate children

  • Finding by text content and regex

  • Finding elements with multiple criteria

1. Finding elements by tag name, class name, and id

To locate elements based on their tag names, pass the tag name as the first argument to the find_all() method:

elements = soup.find_all('tag_name')

Replace the 'tag_name' with the actual HTML tag name, such as 'div', 'a', etc. Let's find all the elements with a tag 'h2':
h2_elements = soup.find_all('h2')
print("All Occurrences of h2 tag:")
for element in h2_elements:

In the code above, the soup.find_all('h2') traverse from the start of soup and returns all the occurrences of h2 in a list. In case an element is not found, the find_all() method returns an empty list. Here is an example:
h4_elements = soup.find_all('h4')
print("All Occurrences of h4 tag:", h4_elements)

2. Finding elements by a list of tag names

We can also provide a list of tag names for the find_all() method. It then returns all the occurrences of all the tags present in the provided list. Here is how it works:
h1_h2_elements = soup.find_all(['h1','h2'])
print("All the Occurrences of h1 and h2 tags: ")
for element in h1_h2_elements:

3. Finding a limited number of elements

We can specify the limit parameter to retrieve a limited number of matched elements

elements = soup.find_all('tag_name', limit=l)

where l is the integer, representing the maximum number of elements that should be returned. Let's retrieve only two elements having h2 tag:
h2_elements = soup.find_all('h2', limit=2)
print("First two Occurrences of h2 tags: ")
for element in h2_elements:

Note: If you need to get only one occurrence of elements of a specific criteria, you can use find().

4. Filtering elements by class name or id

We can also narrow down our search by using attributes. For this, we need to provide a dictionary containing the attribute-value pairs to match:

elements = soup.find_all('tag_name', attrs={'attribute': 'value'})

For instance, to find all the div tags with class='course', use:
elements = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'course'})
print("Div with class: course: ")
for element in elements:

5. Finding element within immediate children

By default, the find_all() searches through the entire document. By setting the recursive=False, the find_all() method will limit its search scope to only the immediate children of the element you are calling it on. It won't search deeper into the document's hierarchy beyond the first level.

elements = soup.find_all('tag_name', recursive=False)

Here is how it works:
div_elements = soup.find_all('div',recursive=False)
section_elements = soup.find_all('section',recursive=True)
div_in_section = section_elements[0].find_all('div',recursive=False)
print("Div from soup:", div_elements)
print("Div from section:")
for div in div_in_section:

In the code above, first we find the 'div' tags in soup with recursive set to False. This returns None, since soup has only one immediate tag html. So we find the 'section' tags from soup and then use the find method on first section to find 'div' tag, which is now the immediate child.

6. Finding by text content and regex

We can also use the text parameter to search for elements based on their text content:

elements = soup.find_all(text='target_text')

This will return all the elements that match the given text. You can use exact text or regular expressions in place of the 'target_text'. Here is an example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Educative - Learn, Explore, and Grow</title>
<h1>Welcome to Educative</h1>
<li>Courses with Assessments</li>
<li>About Us</li>
<section id="courses">
<h2>Featured Courses</h2>
<div class="course">
<h3>Python Programming</h3>
<p>Learn Python from scratch and become a proficient developer.</p>
<div class="course">
<h3>Data Science Fundamentals</h3>
<p>Explore the world of data science and its applications.</p>
<div class="course">
<h3>Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript</h3>
<p>Build interactive websites with front-end technologies.</p>
<section id="blog">
<h2>Latest Blog Posts</h2>
<div class="blog-post">
<h3>10 Tips to Excel in Competitive Exams</h3>
<p>Proven strategies to boost your performance in exams.</p>
<div class="blog-post">
<h3>Why Learning Programming is Essential for Everyone</h3>
<p>Discover the significance of coding skills in the modern world.</p>
<div class="blog-post">
<h3>The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society</h3>
<p>Exploring the ethical and societal implications of AI.</p>
<section id="about">
<h2>About Educative</h2>
<p>Educative is a leading online education platform dedicated to empowering learners worldwide. Our mission is to make high-quality education accessible to everyone, irrespective of their background.</p>
<p>At Educative, you will find a vast array of courses, tutorials, and blog posts on various subjects. Whether you are a student, professional, or hobbyist, our diverse content caters to all knowledge seekers.</p>
<p>Join us on this educational journey and embark on a path of continuous learning, exploration, and growth. Let's learn together and create a brighter future.</p>

7. Finding elements with multiple criteria

For complex cases, we can combine multiple filters using the find_all() method:

elements = soup.find_all('tag_name', attrs={'attribute': 'value'}, recursive=False, text='target_text')

This will find all the elements that satisfy all specified conditions. Here is a comprehensive example with complete implementation:
# import beautiful soup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#import re for using regular expression
import re
# Read the HTML content from the local file
file_path = 'sample.html'
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
html_content =
# Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')
# Find 3 li tags with attribute class="list-item" recursively and match text by a pattern
elements = soup.find_all("li", attrs={"class": "list-item"}, recursive=True, string=pattern, limit=3)
for element in elements:

In the code above, a regular expression pattern is defined using the re.compile() function. The pattern is used to match the string that contains the letter o. We then used find_all() method that searches for all the <li> elements with the class attribute 'list-item' that contain text matching the pattern.

Ready to master web scraping? 🚀

Unlock the power of web scraping with our course on Mastering Web Scraping Using Python: From Beginner to Advanced! Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, this course will guide you through the essentials to advanced techniques in web scraping.


The find_all() method is offered by the Beautiful Soup library which enables us to navigate HTML or XML documents with ease. By understanding the syntax and various filtering options of find_all(), we can efficiently extract specific elements and data from web pages, making web scraping tasks more manageable and effective.

Frequently asked questions

Haven’t found what you were looking for? Contact Us

How do I find tags in source code?

Use BeautifulSoup’s find() or find_all() methods to locate tags by name, class, id, or other attributes in the HTML source.

Is BeautifulSoup easy to learn?

Yes, BeautifulSoup is relatively easy to learn. It has a simple, Pythonic API for parsing HTML and extracting data, with good documentation and community support.

Is BeautifulSoup better than Selenium?

BeautifulSoup is better for simple HTML parsing and scraping, while Selenium is better for dynamic content (e.g., JavaScript-rendered pages) and simulating user interactions. BeautifulSoup is faster but less capable in handling complex interactions.

What is the purpose of the find() method in BeautifulSoup?

The purpose of the find() method in BeautifulSoup is to search for and return the first matching tag in an HTML document based on the specified criteria (e.g., tag name, attributes, or text).

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