How to use a specific version of Java in Maven

This shot discusses different ways to set the Java version in Maven projects.

What is Maven?

Maven is a tool used to build and package Java applications.

Method 1: Change the JAVA_HOME path

Maven uses the JAVA_HOME environment variable to find which Java version it is supposed to run. If a different version of Java is needed, set the JAVA_HOME to the path of the specific version of JDK.

For example, if Java 8 is needed:


Method 2: Maven Compiler plugin properties

The following properties can be configured to set the Java version in Maven.

  1. maven.compiler.source

In the pom.xml, add the above two properties.

If Java 8 is needed:


Method 3: Configure the Maven Compiler plugin

Add the source and target while you configure the Maven compiler plugin in the pom.xml file.

If Java 8 is needed, refer to the following code.


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