How to remove spaces from a string in C#

Problem statement

How do you remove all spaces from a given string and then return it?

Input = "Edpresso: Dev    -Shot"
Output = "Edpresso:Dev-Shot"


1 of 4


  • Initialize the non_space_count=0 variable, which will maintain the frequency of the non-space characters in a string.
  • Then go over each character in a string one by one. If a character is not a space, place it at the non_space_count index and increase non_space_count by 1.
  • Once done, place \0 from the final non_space_count value until the end of the string.

Time complexity

The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n).


class HelloWorld
// Funtion removing spaces from string
static char [] removeSpacesFromString(char []str)
// non_space_count to keep the frequency of non space characters
int non_space_count = 0;
//Traverse a string and if it is non space character then, place it at index non_space_count
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (str[i] != ' ')
str[non_space_count] = str[i];
non_space_count++;//non_space_count incremented
//Finally placing final character to complete string
for (int j = non_space_count ; j < str.Length ; j++ )
str[j] = '\0';
return str;
static void Main()
char []str = "Edpresso: Dev -Shot".ToCharArray();

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