How to remove column from a matrix in Go

Matrices are a fundamental data structure used in various computational tasks, and being able to manipulate them efficiently is essential. In this Answer, we will explore how to remove columns from a matrix using the Go programming language. Removing columns from a matrix is a common operation when dealing with data processing, feature selection in machine learning, and other data manipulation tasks.


Let's now dive into implementing the removal of columns from a matrix in the Go programming language. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Define the matrix: Begin by visualizing a matrix containing consecutive integers in a tabular format. For instance, consider a 3x3 matrix:

  • Identify the column to remove: Choose the column that you want to remove. For example, we want to remove the second column (index 1), which contains integers 2, 5, and 8.

  • Remove the column: To remove the chosen column, eliminate the elements in that column for each row. After removing the second column, the matrix becomes:


Here's a complete Go code that demonstrates the process of removing a column from a matrix. This code defines a removeColumn function that takes a matrix and the index of the column to remove. It iterates through the matrix and creates a new matrix with the specified column removed.

package main
import (
func removeColumn(matrix [][]int, columnIndex int) [][]int {
result := make([][]int, len(matrix))
for i, row := range matrix {
result[i] = append(row[:columnIndex], row[columnIndex+1:]...)
return result
func printMatrix(matrix [][]int) {
for _, row := range matrix {
func main() {
// Define a matrix with consecutive integers
matrix := [][]int{
{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9},
// Display the original matrix
fmt.Println("Original Matrix:")
columnIndexToRemove := 1
modifiedMatrix := removeColumn(matrix, columnIndexToRemove)
// Display the modified matrix
fmt.Println("Matrix after removing column", columnIndexToRemove)
  • Lines 7–15: In the removeColumn function we have a for loop. For each row, it uses the append function to construct a new row in the result matrix.

    • Line 11: Combines two slices: row[:columnIndex] represents the elements before the specified columnIndex, and row[columnIndex+1:] represents the elements after the specified column index. This effectively removes the element at the columnIndex and constructs a new row without it.


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