The printf()
function stands for print format. It is an Input/Output function that is used to print values of variables in Scala. As the name suggests, it is used to print values in different formats. For instance, %f
stands for float, %d
stands for integer, %s
stands for string, and %c
stands for character format.
The syntax for using the printf
function is shown below:
printf("%format", variable)
: this is the format representing the data type of the variable we want to print.
: this is the variable whose value we want to print to the console.
The value returned is the value of the variable
Let's view a code example.
object Main extends App {// create mutable variables in Scalavar age:Int = 50var isMarried:Boolean = falsevar name:String = "John Doe"var gender:Char = 'M'var height:Float = 5.65F// print values of variablesprintf("age is = %d\n", age)printf("isMarried is = %b\n", isMarried)printf("name is = %s\n", name)printf("gender is = %c\n", gender)printf("height is = %f\n", height)}