How to integrate Redux inside a React app

Key takeaways:

  • Redux simplifies state management by storing all the states in a single, centralized store. This ensures consistent state access across components, avoiding the complexity and redundancy of prop drilling. Local component states can still be managed with React's built-in hooks, while Redux focuses on the global state.

  • Redux encourages a clear separation between actions, reducers, and the store. Actions handle “what happened,” reducers manage “how the state changes,” and the store maintains the current application state.

  • With Redux, it's easier to scale your app. As your app grows, Redux’s modular architecture helps developers organize code better by splitting logic into different files (like actions, reducers, and middleware).

Redux is a state management library that helps you predictably manage your application’s state. It works well with React, providing a single source of truth for the application’s state and making it easier to manage and debug. Redux is especially useful in applications where the state is shared across multiple components or where the state needs to be updated frequently and predictably.

Consider the example below, which shows the architecture of a complex React application. In this app, Child 8 and Child 3 must declare the state in their common parent, Child 2, if they want to share it. In this way, Child 7 and Child 6 have to go through unnecessary rendering in order to pass down the props to Child 8.

Structure of a complex React application
Structure of a complex React application

This is where Redux comes into play. It provides a centralized state that serves as an application’s single source of truth, making it easier to manage and debug state across components.

Setting up Redux in a React app

Follow the steps below to set up the Redux library in your existing React application. We will consider building a simple cash deposit-withdrawal application where users can deposit and withdraw cash.

Note: We assume that you have already created your React Application.

|-- public
|-- index.html
|-- src
|-- App.css
|-- App.js
|-- index.js
|-- index.css
Sample React application structure
  • Step 2: The next step is to install the Redux Toolkit, which includes the core Redux dependencies and other key packages essential for building Redux applications, such as Redux Thunk. Open the terminal and install Redux Toolkit by running the following commands depending on the package manager you are using (like npm or yarn):

# For npm package manager:
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
# For yarn package manager:
yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit
Commands to include Redux-toolkit into your React application
  • Step 3: Install the Redux library as a dependency.

# For pakage manager
npm install redux react-redux
# For yarn pakage manager
yarn add redux react-redux
Commands to add Redux library as a dependency into your React application

Get hands-on practice of integrating Redux in a React app with this project: Integrate Redux in a Front-End Template.

Redux actions

Redux actions are objects that describe what happened in your app. Every action class has two attributes:

  • type: It is a string that represents the type of an action.

  • payload: It contains some additional data needed for the action to be performed.

To set up actions, create a folder named myActions inside the src directory. Then, create a file named myAction.js within this folder. This file will create actions for cash deposit and withdrawal:

// Action for depositing cash
export const depositCash = (money) => {
return (dispatch) => {
payload: money
// Action for withdrawal of cash
export const withdrawCash = (money) => {
return (dispatch)=>{
payload: money

Redux reducer

Reducers specify how the application’s state changes in response to dispatched actions. To set up reducers, create a folder named myReducers inside the src directory. Then, create a file named myReducers.js within this folder.

For our cash deposit-withdrawal application, we can have the following reducer file where the myReducer function takes the current state and an action to return a new state based on the action type:

// Takes the initial state and action to be performed as arguments
const myReducer = (state, action) => {
// If the action dispatched by myAction.js file is "deposit", then add the money
if(action.type === "deposit") {
return state + action.payload;
// If the action dispatched by myAction.js file is "withdrawl", then subtract the money
else if(action.type === "withdrawl") {
return state - action.payload;
// Else keep it in original state
else {
return state;
export default myReducer;

Learn more about actions and reducers, by trying this project: Build a Resume Builder in React Using Redux.

Redux store

The Redux store holds the entire state of your application. To set up a store, create a file named myStore.js inside the src directory. This file holds the application’s state, dispatches the actions, and notifies the subscribers when the state changes.

For our cash deposit-withdrawal application, the store will look something like this:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
// Importing myReducer.js which we created above
import myReducer from './myReducer/myReducers';
// Define the initial state for the store
const initialState = 0;
const myStore = configureStore({
reducer: myReducer,
preloadedState: initialState, // Set the initial state here
export default myStore;

Connect Redux to the React app

In the src/index.js file, wrap your app inside the Provider component from react-redux. This will make the Redux store available across all components to access the relevant state:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import myStore from './myStore';
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
<Provider store={myStore}>
<App />

Learn more about building Redux-based React apps with this blog: Building Redux-based React apps.

Code example

Let’s look at a working example by combining everything and executing the application.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import myStore from './myStore';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

  <Provider store={myStore}>
    <App />
Code implementation

Continue learning Redux

Explore these projects for hands-on practice on Redux and strengthen your understanding of state management through real-world examples and practical applications.

Frequently asked questions

Haven’t found what you were looking for? Contact Us

What is the purpose of Redux?

Redux provides centralized state management, making it easier to manage and share state across components.

Can I use Redux with other frameworks besides React?

Yes, Redux is not limited to React and can be used with other JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as Angular and Vue.js, providing a consistent state management solution across different platforms.

What is the difference between the Context API and Redux for state management?

The Context API is useful for sharing simple states across components without prop drilling, such as theme settings or user authentication. However, it can become inefficient for managing complex or deeply nested states. Redux, on the other hand, provides a more structured and scalable solution for complex state management needs, with features like middleware and dev tools that make it suitable for larger applications.

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