How to install Ubuntu using Crouton

Crouton, developed by google employee David Schneider, is a set of scripts that allows Ubuntu, Debian, and Kali Linux. It works by using a chrootAn operation that changes the root directory, rather than dual-bootingWhen two OS are installed on the same system, but only one runs at a time., to enable users to run both desktop environments at the same time and can be switched using a keyboard shortcut.

Users run just one OS- Linux. However, when using Crouton, they run two environments on top of the OS- Chrome OS and one of those defined above.

Below are the steps to install Ubuntu on Chromebook:

Step 1: Enable Developer Mode

Chromebooks are usually locked down for security. Developer mode allows users to disable many security features, which enables users to access Linux terminal on Chrome OS.

To enable developer mode:

  • Press the Esc and Refresh keys and turn on the power. The computer boots in recovery mode.
  • Press Ctrl+D and agree to the prompt.
  • Developer mode is now enabled.

Note: If you reboot, you will receive a warning that informs the user that the notebook is in developer mode.

Step 2: Download and Install Crouton

  • Download Crouton. Here is the latest release.
  • Move installer to /usr/local/bin.
  • Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open the terminal.
  • Type ‘shell’ to enter Linux Shell mode.
  • Run:
sudo sh /usr/local/bin/crouton -e -t Xfce 

Step 3: Run Crouton

  • Start Crouton by typing
sudo startxfce4
  • To shift between environments press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Back and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Forward to change between environments.

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