How to include other templates with Jinja2 in Django

Jinja2 is a powerful templating engine for Python. In the context of Django, it’s used as a part of Django’s templating system to render dynamic content within HTML files. Django itself has its default templating engine, but developers can integrate Jinja2 into Django projects for those who prefer its syntax and features.

Now, let’s explore how to include other templates using Jinja2 in a Django application. In Django, we can include other templates within our base template using the {% include %} tag. This inclusion can be useful for components that appear across multiple pages, such as headers, footers, or navigation menus.


The syntax of the {% include %} tag is as follows:

{% include template_name %}
Syntax of include tag

Code example

Here’s a coding example of the {% include %} tag with Jinja2 in Django:

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Coding example of the {% include %} tag with Jinja2 in Django

Code explanation

  • The /my_project/my_app/templates/my_app contains the following django templates:
    • The base.html file serves as the foundational template for our web application. It typically contains the basic structure shared across multiple pages, such as the HTML structure, header, footer, and other common elements. In this file, Django’s {{% include %%}} tag is used include three other templates:
      • header.html
      • main.html
      • footer.html
  • The /my_project/my_app/ contains the index function, which handles requests to the index page of our application:
    • We import the render function from django.shortcuts, which is used to render templates.
    • We define the index view function, which takes a request object as its parameter. This function will handle requests to the index page of our application.
    • Within the index function, we use the render function to render the base.html template. We pass three additional context variables along with the request:
      • header: This context variable points to the /my_project/my_app/templates/my_app/header.html template.
      • main: This context variable points to the /my_project/my_app/templates/my_app/main.html template.
      • footer: This context variable points to the /my_project/my_app/templates/my_app/footer.html template.

      Note: These context variables are crucial for dynamically including the header, main content, and footer within the base.html template.

    • Finally, the render function returns an HTTP response with the rendered base.html template and the provided context.


In a nutshell, the {% include %} tag in Django allows us to modularize our templates and reuse components across multiple pages, promoting code reuse and maintainability in our web applications.

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