How to implement the singleton pattern

The singleton design pattern is used to restrict a class to only one instance at a time. This restriction is achieved by changing the accessibility of the constructor to private so that a new instance cannot be created using that constructor from outside the class. The static method getInstance() (defined in the class) creates a new instance after checking if an instance already exists. If it does, the same instance is returned; otherwise, a new instance is created and returned. The static variable instance keeps track of the existing instance of the class.

In Python, the constructor is used to create instances; you do not need to use the getInstance() method. However, an additional method __new__() is used along with the __init__() method to create and initialize an instance, respectively. ​

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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Singleton{
static Singleton* instance;
cout << "New instance created!" << endl;
static Singleton* getInstance(){
// Check if an instance already exists:
if(instance == nullptr)
instance = new Singleton(); // Create a new instance
return instance;
Singleton* Singleton::instance = nullptr;
int main(){
// Private default constructor can't be accessed:
// Singleton* s = new Singleton();
Singleton* s = Singleton::getInstance();
Singleton* t = Singleton::getInstance();
// Print address of where 's' and 't' point
// to make sure that it is the same object:
cout << "'s' points to: " << s << endl
<< "'t' points to: " << t << endl;
return 0;

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