How to fix the 'pip install mysqlclient' error in Python

To successfully use Python to communicate to any database, you need to have the Python database client for that database.

When you develop Django web applications and start a project successfully, the project is shipped with the sqlite database and its settings for your use. If you want to use a different database, such as MySql, you have to make changes in the settings file and make sure you install the database client for that database.

Note: Learn how to successfully start a Django project.

What is mysqlclient?

This is a database client application that serves as the medium/interface between the userthe client running Python codes and the mysql database. mysqlclient was developed to replace MySql-python and provides support for Python3, although it is backward compatible as well.

How to use mySqlclient

To use this service, you have to install it through the Python package installer pip, as shown below:

pip install mysqlclient

This command will automatically download and install the mysqlclient package into your device. However, this process is not always problem-free due to some reasons, like pip trying to install the latest version that might not match properly with your system. If a problem arises, pip will throw an error with a message like mysqliclient installation error.

How to fix this problem

  • First, check that you are connected to the internet and it is stable. Try to run the command again.
  • Next, you will have to manually download and install the package if the problem persists. To do this, you can Google the binary file of mysqlclient that is compatible with your device. Please note that this website is not officially owned by the owners of mysql and is more like a support/community forum.
  • Now, after a successful download, you can move the package to the parent directory where your Django project is located, or you can place it anywhere you wish. Go to your command prompt or terminal and use the command below:
cd/to/my/directory/path/to_mysqlclient.exe/file pip install mysqlclient

If I place the package in my Django app parent directory, my command will look something like this:

C:\Users\mydevice\codes\djangoapps pip install mysqlclient‑1.4.6‑cp39‑cp39‑win32.whl

You don’t need to type the whole name when you enter the directory that contains the file. Just enter the first few letters of the file’s name and hit the tab key to complete the name.

After that, hit enter to install the package. mysqlclient should install successfully now.

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