Given an array of strings, one must find the most frequent word in a given array, i.e., the string that appears the most in the array. If there is a tie or all strings have the same frequency, ​the string that is the smallest (lexicographically) ​is printed.
The most efficient approach to this problem is to use HashMap. We will insert all the unique strings in the map and update the count every-time the same string appears in the array.
In the code below, a hashmap is used to store and keep track of the strings in the array.
// Java programimport java.util.*;class MostFrequentWord{// Function to calculate the most frequent word in the array.public static void FrequentWord(String array[]){// Insert all unique strings and update count if a string is not unique.Map<String,Integer> hshmap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();for (String str : array){if (hshmap.keySet().contains(str)) // if already exists then update count.hshmap.put(str, hshmap.get(str) + 1);elsehshmap.put(str, 1); // else insert it in the map.}// Traverse the map for the maximum value.String maxStr = "";int maxVal = 0;for (Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry : hshmap.entrySet()){String key = entry.getKey();Integer count = entry.getValue();if (count > maxVal){maxVal = count;maxStr = key;}// Condition for the tie.else if (count == maxVal){if (key.length() < maxStr.length())maxStr = key;}}System.out.println("Most frequent word: "+ maxStr);System.out.println("Count: "+ maxVal);}// Mainpublic static void main(String[] args){String[] arr = { "Batman", "Thor", "Batman" , "Flash", "Batman" };FrequentWord(arr);}}
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