How to find items in an array based on certain criteria in Lodash


In Lodash, we use the _.filter() method to find items in an array based on specific criteria. This method iterates over all the array elements and returns those elements for which the predicates return a truthy value.


_.filter(collection, predicate)
Syntax of _.filter()


This method accepts the following parameters:

  • collection: This is the collection to be iterated.
  • predicate: This is the function that is checked against the values of the array in every iteration.

Return value

This method returns a new array containing the filtered elements.


Let’s look at an example of finding items in an array based on certain criteria using the _.filter() method in the code snippet below:

Find item in Lodash


In the HTML tab:

  • Line 5: We import the lodash script.

In the JavaScript tab:

  • Line 2–7: We create an array of objects.
  • Line 10: We use the _.filter() method to find all the people whose designation is Software Engineer.
  • Line 13: We print the output to the console.

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