How to define Azure role-based access control (RBAC)

In the current digital landscape, cloud computing is becoming integral for businesses. One of the top cloud platforms, Microsoft Azure, provides a reliable infrastructure for managing resources, storing data, and hosting apps. However, controlling access and permissions in the cloud might be difficult. This complexity is simplified by Azure role-based access control (RBAC), which provides a scalable and detailed access control mechanism.

This Answer aims to comprehensively explore Azure RBAC, covering its concepts, components, and implementation.

Understanding role-based access control (RBAC)

RBAC is a security concept that controls network or computer system access based on the roles that different users have within an enterprise. By extending this idea to the cloud, access management for cloud computing is a complex task for any enterprise or organization using the cloud. Azure RBAC enables businesses to effectively manage access to Azure resources.

Role-based access control (RBAC)
Role-based access control (RBAC)

Key concepts of Azure RBAC

Let’s dive deep into the key concepts of Azure RBAC to comprehensively understand how access management works within the Azure environment.

Role definition

Role definition, often called role, is an essential concept of Azure RBAC. They specify a specific set of rights determining what actions can be performed on Azure resources. Numerous prebuilt roles are available in Azure, including Contributor, Owner, and Reader. Each prebuilt role has a unique set of permissions for common use cases. Users with the Contributor position, for instance, can develop and manage resources, whereas those with the Reader role can only view them.

Moreover, special roles can be created by enterprises to meet their requirements. Custom roles enable more precise control over permissions by defining specific actions. When the built-in roles don’t exactly fit the organization’s needs, custom roles come in handy.

Role assignment

Assigning Azure roles is how Azure RBAC controls resource access. The relationship between a role and a particular user, group, service principal, or managed identity is known as role assignment. This is an important concept to understand because it deals with enforcing permissions. Three components comprise a role assignment: the security principal, the role definition, and the scope.

  • Security principal: When a user, group, service principal, or managed identity requests access to Azure resources, they are represented by a security principal. Role assignments can be made to any of these security principals.

  • Role definition: A role definition is a set of permissions that specify what actions can be performed, including read, write, and delete. Although Azure has several prebuilt roles, organizations can also design unique roles suited to their requirements, normally called Azure Custom Roles.

  • Scope: Scope defines further limitations of the actions allowed by assigning a role. Azure RBAC offers four levels of scope: management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and individual resources. Scopes help define the boundaries within which the permissions granted by a role assignment are applicable. The hierarchical structure offers precise control over access rights.


The scope specifies how much a role assignment allows access to cloud resources. Management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and individual resources are supported as scopes by Azure RBAC.

  • Management groups: Containers that help in the management and organization of cloud resources across several subscriptions are called management groups. All subscriptions within a management group are subject to role assignments made at that level. This is particularly helpful for large enterprises that have multiple subscriptions.

  • Subscriptions: Individual Azure accounts with their resource groups, policies, and services are subscriptions. All resources within a subscription are subject to role assignments made at the subscription level. Scope level comes in handy for broad policies affecting resources inside a subscription.

  • Resource groups: For an Azure solution, resource groups are logical containers that store related resources. All resources that are a part of that particular resource group are subject to the role assignments made at that level. This level is more granular, enabling specific access restrictions for linked resources.

  • Individual resources: Direct role assignments are possible on individual resources. The most fine-grained access control is provided by this scope level, which allows us to define permissions at the resource level. For example, within a resource group, we can designate different user roles for a specific virtual machine.

Scopes are hierarchical; access control can be effectively managed in complex Azure systems because permissions granted at one level, such as a management group, cascade down to the child resources.

Actions and resources

  • Actions: Actions are operations that can be performed on Azure resources, such as reading, writing, deleting, or modifying. Role definitions specify these actions, determining what a user or service can do.

  • Resources: Resources refer to the Azure entities on which actions can be performed. These entities include virtual machines, storage accounts, databases, and networks. Role assignments define who can perform actions on these resources.

How Azure RBAC authenticates access to a resource

When a user or service principal requests access to an Azure Resource Manager, they are issued a token that includes their group memberships. Then, a REST API request is made to Azure Resource Manager; the token is utilized for authentication. Azure Resource Manager receives the request, retrieves applicable role assignments, and deny assignmentsContains set of deny actions for the purpose of denying the access associated with that particular resource. Access is immediately denied if a deny assignment is discovered; otherwise, the evaluation continues. Afterward, Azure Resource Manager establishes the roles connected to the resource and refines role assignments based on the user’s identification. The computation of effective permissions involves deducting refused activities from allowed actions, and the same process applies to data actions. If the user lacks a role granting the requested action at the specified scope, access is denied. Conditions within role assignments are evaluated, and if met, access is granted; if not, access remains restricted, ensuring precise and secure resource access control.

Evaluation logic
Evaluation logic

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Quiz Time!


What is the primary purpose of Azure RBAC’s “Scopes” in access management?


To define specific roles


To determine token validity


To specify levels of access


To create custom roles

Question 1 of 20 attempted

Wrap up

Mastering Azure RBAC is essential for enterprises using Azure’s cloud services. Businesses may create a strong and reliable access control framework by understanding the complex interactions between security principals, role definitions, and scopes. Following best practices keeps access control effective, auditable, and in line with organizational goals, which eventually promotes a safe and useful cloud environment.

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