How to create a weather app using Flask in Python

To create a weather app, we need real-time weather data for different locations. We can store it in a database and serve it, or use a third-party API like openweathermap.

There are several benefits of using a third-party API:

  • Provides accurate and real-time data.
  • No need for a database.
  • Easy to use.
  • Pay as you go.



  1. To get started, install the flask framework.
pip install flask
  1. Head over to openweathermap and get your API key.

Note: Never directly use API keys in the code, use them as environment variables for security purposes.

  1. Import Flask, os, and requests.
from flask import Flask
import os, requests
  1. Create an instance of the flask application.
app = Flask(__name__)
  1. Create a route.
@app.route('/', methods =['GET'])
def home():
  1. Make a GET request to openweathermap API.

Note: For simplicity, the location name here is hardcoded, but you can create a new HTML form to get a custom location from the user.

construct_url = "" + "your api key goes here"
response = requests.get(construct_url)
  1. Convert the response to JSON.
list_of_data = response.json()
  1. Create an HTML table to display the data.
html_data = f"""
    <table border="1">
        <td>{str(list_of_data['coord']['lon']) + ' ' 
                    + str(list_of_data['coord']['lat'])}</td>
        <td>{str(list_of_data['main']['temp']) + 'k'}</td>

  1. Return the html_data.

  2. Provide a port and other parameters to your application.

if __name__ == "__main__": = 8000,debug=True)
  1. Run application.
flask run


from flask import Flask
import os,requests
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods =['GET'])
def home():
construct_url = "" + "your api key goes here"
response = requests.get(construct_url)
list_of_data = response.json()
html_data = f"""
<table border="1">
<td>{str(list_of_data['coord']['lon']) + ' '
+ str(list_of_data['coord']['lat'])}</td>
<td>{str(list_of_data['main']['temp']) + 'k'}</td>
return html_data
if __name__ == "__main__": = 8000,debug=True)

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