How to convert hexadecimal numbers to octal

Hexadecimal numbers are numbers with base 16. The numbers that lie in this category range from 0-15. 0-9 are represented by their digits, and 10-15 are represented by characters A-FA representing 10, and F representing 15. A maximum of 4 bits are required to represent a hexadecimal number.

Octal numbers are numbers with base 8. The numbers that lie in this category range from 0-7. Their respective digits represent them. A maximum of 3 bits are required to represent the octal numbers.

Converting hexadecimal to octal

In order to convert a hexadecimal to an octal, you need to follow a series of steps. Look at the slides below to understand more clearly:

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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int decimalNum=0, oct[10];
string hexDecNum = "2AE";
int val;
int len = hexDecNum.length()-1;
int i=0;
val = hexDecNum[len];
if(val>=48 && val<=57)
val = val-48;
else if(val>=65 && val<=70)
val = val-55;
else if(val>=97 && val<=102)
val = val-87;
decimalNum += (val*pow(16, i));
while(decimalNum != 0)
oct[i] = decimalNum%8;
decimalNum = decimalNum/8;
cout<<"Octal Value = ";
for(i=(i-1); i>=0; i--)
return 0;

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