How to build a neural network with PyTorch

Neural networks are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that make up the brain. A neural network works by taking in a data set and making a prediction.

How does a neural network work

There are three layers in a neural network:

  • Input layer: The input is fed into the input layer, and each node in the layer provides an output. These outputs serve as the input of the hidden layer.

  • Hidden layer: This layer performs computation and provides weights to the input. The output of this layer is given as input to the output layer.

  • Output layer: This layer is the final layer of the neural network where desired predictions are obtained. The output of this layer is provided to the outside world.

Types of layers in neural network

PyTorch to build neural networks

PyTorch provides two main features:

  • An n-dimensional tensor that can run on GPUs.

  • Automatic differentiation for building neural networks.

Build a neural network

The following code shows how to build a neural network with PyTorch:

from pyexpat import model #optional
from torch import nn
class Network(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
# Inputs to hidden layer
self.hidden = nn.Linear(600, 60)
# Output layer
self.output = nn.Linear(60, 6)
# Defining sigmoid activation and softmax output
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, tensor):
# Pass the input tensor through each operation
tensor = self.hidden(tensor)
tensor = self.sigmoid(tensor)
tensor = self.output(tensor)
tensor = self.softmax(tensor)
return tensor
model= Network()


  • Line 2: We import the nn module of PyTorch that makes building neural networks easier.

  • Line 4–6: We'll inherit from the nn.Module in the class Network declaration. When it is combined with super().__init__() a class is created that provides a lot of useful methods.

  • Line 9: We create a module for the linear transformation xW+bxW+bxW+bxW+b. It takes 600 inputs and gives 60 outputs, and assigns it to self.hidden.

Note: This module automatically creates weights and bias tensors. We can access them using net.hidden.weight and net.hidden.bias.

  • Line 11: We create another linear transformation with 60 inputs and 6 outputs (10 units - one for each digit).

  • Line 14: This line contains the operation for sigmoid activation.

  • Line 15: This line contains the operation for softmax output. Set the dim=1 to calculate softmax across the columns.

  • Line 17: Networks created nn.Module must have a forward method. It takes in a tensor as a parameter.

  • Line 19–22: We pass the tensor through these operations, and its value is reassigned.

  • Line 25: A network is being created.

In this answer, we've learned how to build a neural network with PyTorch. In order to use this model, we'll have to train the model to learn the data set before using it to derive predictions.

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