How to add transitions using MoviePy

Any video that effortlessly shifts from scene to scene, each transition a seamless and immersive journey. Video transitions can enhance emotions, build suspense, and improve storytelling. With the aid of MoviePy, a dynamic Python library designed for video manipulation, you can add transitions to your videos and elevate your content creation to new heights. In this Answer, we will be going over how to add transitions between clips.

What is MoviePy?

MoviePy is a helpful tool for video enthusiasts and creators. It's a Python library that enables you to manipulate videos in various ways, from cutting and merging to adding effects and altering playback speed. Whether you want to create captivating time-lapses, humorous sped-up sequences, or dramatic slow-motion shots, MoviePy has your back.

Applications of MoviePy

MoviePy offers a wide range of applications in video editing and manipulation. Some of its prominent applications include:

  • Video editing: MoviePy lets you trim, concatenate, and edit video clips quickly. This is particularly useful for creating highlight reels, tutorials, and short films.

  • Transitions: Adding transitions between video clips enhances the visual appeal of your content. MoviePy provides various transition effects like fade-in, fade-out, and crossfade.

  • Text and graphics overlay: You can overlay text, images, and graphics onto your videos. This is useful for adding titles, subtitles, watermarks, and annotations.

  • Video effects: MoviePy provides a range of video effects such as rotation, scaling, color adjustments, and more, enabling you to modify your footage creatively.

  • Video generation: You can generate videos programmatically using MoviePy. This is beneficial for creating animations, simulations, and dynamic content.

Program Overview

Before we dive into the detailed breakdown of the code, let's take a high-level look at what our program accomplishes using MoviePy for adding transitions to videos:

  • Load two video clips using MoviePy's VideoFileClip function.

  • Specify the start and end times for subclips, and the duration of the fade effect.

  • MoviePy's fadein and fadeout effects are employed to create a fade-out and fade-in transition.

  • Clips, along with the transitions, are combined using the CompositeVideoClip function.

Libraries used

The libraries we use in this program are:

  • MoviePy

  • OpenCV

For moviepy:

pip install moviepy

MoviePy is a Python library for video editing, enabling tasks like cutting, concatenating, and applying effects.

For opencv:

pip install opencv-python

OpenCV is a computer vision library used for image and video processing tasks, such as object detection and manipulation.

Complete code

import moviepy.editor as mp
from import fadein
from import fadeout
import cv2

# Load the video clips
clip1 = mp.VideoFileClip('crop_vid.mp4')
clip2 = mp.VideoFileClip('mirror.mp4')

start_time = 2
end_time = 6

# Create a cropped subclip
clip = clip1.subclip(start_time, end_time)
clip_2= clip2.subclip(start_time, 4)
fade_duration = 1

# Apply the fade-in transition to the second clip
fadein_clip2 = clip_2.fx(fadeout, fade_duration)

# Apply the fade-out transition to the first clip
fadeout_clip1 = clip.fx(fadein, fade_duration)

# Concatenate the clips with the transitions
final_clip = mp.CompositeVideoClip([fadeout_clip1, fadein_clip2.set_start(3).crossfadein(1)])

for frame in final_clip.iter_frames(fps=final_clip.fps*5):
    frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame.astype('uint8'), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)  # Convert to 8-bit depth
    cv2.imshow("Final Clip", frame)
    # Check for the 'q' key press to exit
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


Code explanation

  • Line 1 4: Import the required modules from MoviePy and OpenCV.

  • Line 7 8: Load the video clips using VideoFileClip.

  • Line 10 15: Define the start and end times for the subclips and create cropped subclips using subclip.

  • Line 16: Set the duration of the fade effect.

  • Line 19 22: Apply the fade-out effect to clip1 and the fade-in effect to clip_2.

  • Line 25: Concatenate the clips and transitions using CompositeVideoClip.

    • While concatenation of the video clips, we use the .set_start() and .crossfadein() for clip_2 to set the start time and the crossfade effect of the clip.

  • Line 27 35: Iterate through the frames of the final clip and display them using OpenCV.

    • Check for the 'q' key press to exit the loop and close the OpenCV window.

Let's take a small quiz to check your understanding of the program.



What is the purpose of using MoviePy’s “fx” functions in the discussed program?


To load video clips.


To concatenate video clips.


To apply transition effects.


To display frames using OpenCV.


MoviePy simplifies the process of adding transitions to video clips by providing a versatile set of tools for video manipulation. With its applications ranging from video editing to creative video generation, MoviePy empowers users to create professional-looking content.

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