Constructor and destructor calling order using inheritance in C++

Whenever an object is created in C++, its constructor is called. The constructor is responsible for initializing the object's state and allocating any necessary resources. The destructor serves as the counterpart to the constructor. It's responsible for releasing resources and performing cleanup operations. Let's discuss the order in which constructors and destructors are called while using inheritance in C++.

Constructor calling order

The constructor calling order refers to the sequence in which constructors are invoked during object initialization. The constructor calling order when using inheritance is top-downStarting from the parent class and proceeding towards the child class in the inheritance hierarchy.. The parent class's constructor is called before the child class's constructor. This sequence ensures that the parent class is fully initialized before any additional functionality the derived class provides is constructed.

Destructor calling order

The destructor calling order refers to the sequence in which destructors are invoked during object destruction. The Destructor calling order when using inheritance is bottom-upStarting from the child class and proceeding towards the parent class.. The destructor of the child class is called before the destructor of the parent class. This reverse order ensures that the resources allocated in the derived class are properly released before those in the base class.

The diagram below demonstrates the constructor and destructor calling orders while using inheritance:

Constructor and Destructor calls sequence
Constructor and Destructor calls sequence

The parent class's constructor is called before the child class's constructor. In contrast, the destructor of the child class is called before the destructor of the parent class.

Coding example

The following code demonstrates the constructor and destructor calling orders:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//base class
class Animal {
Animal() //Constructor of Parent class
cout << "Constructor of Animal called. \n";
~Animal() //Destructor of Parent class
cout << "Destructor of Animal called. \n";
// Derived class
class Cat : public Animal { //The Cat class inheriting the attributes of Animal class here
Cat() //Constructor of Child class
cout << "Constructor of Cat called. \n";
~Cat() //Destructor of Child class
cout << "Destructor of Cat called. \n";
int main()
{//Brackets are used to limit the scope of object
Cat C; //Object initialization
return 0;

Code explanation

  • Line 5: We make the parent class Animal.

  • Lines 7–10: Now we declare the constructor of the Animal class and display a message indicating that the constructor of the Animal class has been invoked.

  • Lines 11–14: Here we make the destructor of the Animal class and display a message indicating that the destructor of the Animal class has been invoked..

  • Line 18: Create the derived class Cat by inheriting the from the parent class Animal.

  • Lines 20–23: Here we make the constructor of the Cat class and display a message indicating that the constructor of the Cat class has been invoked.

  • Lines 24–27: Now we make the destructor of the Cat class and display a message indicating that the destructor of the Cat class has been invoked.

  • Lines 32–34: Finally, we make an object C of the class Cat and observe the calling orders of the constructors and destructors of Animal and Cat classes.

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