How to implement routing in Next JS
Next JS has been growing in popularity, as it solves most of the problems related to React JS and is being increasingly used in enterprises around the...
What is Amazon CloudWatch?
Key takeaways: Amazon CloudWatch is a vital service for monitoring AWS resources and applications. Basic metrics are automatically collected at predef...
let vs. var vs. const in JavaScript
In JavaScript, we can create a variable using three keywords: let var const What is Scope? Scope is the accessibility during runtime of variables, fun...
What is a pass statement in Python?
A pass statement is an empty/null statement that is considered as a placeholder for future code. When a user doesn’t want to write a code, or is not a...
What are shallow and deep copies?
Shallow copy In a shallow copy , the references of an object are copied in another object when we copy the object. The referenced object itself is not...
What is a uniform cost search algorithm?
Search algorithms are used to resolve search problems. For example, search for the shortest path between two given points, searching for a goal, and s...
uniform cost search
How to check for Palindrome numbers in Java
A palindrome number is a number that has the same value as that of the original number when reversed, e.g., 121, 111, 1223221. If you were to reverse ...
How to setup AWS VPC
AWS virtual private cloud (VPC) is a service provided by AWS that allows you to create and manage your virtual network infrastructure within the AWS c...
virtual private cloud
Deep copying vs. shallow copying
Let’s take two objects of the same type (A and B) where the contents of A are to be copied into B. Let’s see how this copying will take place in the c...
What is an arrow function in JavaScript?
Arrow function or an arrow function expression is a more concise syntax for writing regular function expressions that allow us to write shorter and n...
Deep learning
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that involves using artificial neural networks to imitate the structure and the function of a human brai...
machine learning
data science
Vue vs. React
React is a JavaScript UI framework created by Facebook and made open source in May 2013. React is significantly more popular than Vue; at the time of ...
What is FLOOR() in SQL?
The FLOOR() function returns the next largest integer that is less than or equal to a number. Figure 1, below, shows the mathematical representation o...
What is the Vector.removeAllElements method in Java?
The Vector class is a growable array of objects. Vector elements can be accessed using an integer index. The size of a Vector can be increased or decr...
What is vfwscanf() in C?
vfwscanf() reads a formatted list of arguments from an input stream. The declaration for vfwscanf() is shown below: int vfwscanf( FILE *stream, const ...
What is the Edge Cloud?
Edge is meant here in a literal geographical sense. The goal of the “ edge cloud ” is for all the work currently being done in data centers around the...
cloud computing
edge computing
How to use the email tool effectively
Overview If you’re in a managerial position at work, you’re bound to receive many emails. These emails can, at times, overwhelm our inbox if not effe...
How to check the occurrence of a value in a string in C#
There are times when you would want to check if a certain value is present in a particular string. This is very likely because such situations occur a...
What is the use of document.characterSet property in DOM?
The document.characterSet property In this Answer, we will look at DOM's document.characterSet property. This property provides us with the character ...
What is the toExponential() method in TypeScript?
Overview The toExponential() method is used to convert a number into an exponential notation. Syntax Here is the syntax of the toExponential() method:...